• Jal Band

    Jal Band

    Download Jal - Boondh mp3 songs easily from your favorite music website ApniISP.Com.


    AN ELEMENT THAT CONSTUTUTES IF 70& OF OUR BEING AND MORE THEN 2/3 RD OF THE EARTH. THE INSPIRATION BEHIND THE BAND’S NAME AFFIRRMS THE INTIMATE CONNECTION OF WATER TO THE RYTHMS OF OUR KUVES-AND HOW IT IS SOMETHING TO BE CELEBRATED, REVERED, AND PRESERVED FOR ALL TIMES TO COME. THE NAME ‘JAL’ IS THE PRODUCT OF THE BAND’S VISON TO RECOGNIZE MUSIC AS THE ARTISTIC EXTENSION OF THIS NATURAL UNITY. JAL The Band- History (Biography) AL was formed in Lahore in 2002. When Goher Mumtaz composed his first song by the name of “AADAT” soon after, began his search for like minded musicians to complete his band. He ran into Shazi (Aamir) – A bass guitarist and after a few jamming sessions he invited Shazi to join JAL, and together they went about looking for a vocalist.

    Some time later Goher heard Atif singing in a local college music competition, impressed by his vocal range he offered Atif to join the band and to do vocals for the song “AADAT”. JAL’s first single “AADAT” was released in DEC 2003. Before the release of its video “AADAT” was released on the internet through a local Pakistani web portal. The song enjoyed the status of the most downloaded Pakistani song on the internet for quite some time and was extensively popular by the time the video was released. JAL THE BAND INTRO The name ‘JAL’ is the product of the band’s vision to recognize music as the artistic extension of this natural unity. Water is truly one of the most sacred parts of our existence and the band’s music celebrates that concept by orchestrating a symphony of lyrics and music that is as limitless and timeless as itself.

    The result was JAL-the band. The oft-quoted statement that ‘Music is the universal language of mankind’ hold particularly true when it comes to JAL’s music.

    Their music like itself knows no exceptions and boundaries. It aims to cater to people from all spheres of life and all ages. JAL THE BAND JAL-The Music JAL’s sound primarily falls in the pop/soft rock genre. Playing along the lines of Latin-acoustic guitars; the main emphasis of their music is on the melodies and the lyrical content. Keeping their songs melodious and catchy at the same time the band believes that music is truly the world’s universal language capable of bringing our hearts and souls together. A well composed song, personified with honest and heart felt lyrics and spirited rhythms, will eventually be heard by manifestations of emotions expressed in an energetic and harmonious manner.

    Fueled by the desire to freshen up the pop/rock genre in Pakistan these qualities give JAL’s music a very high degree of accessibility both in terms of composition and lyrics. Lead Vocalist & Composer Goher Mumtaz Born under the ambitious star sign of Leo. Goher Mumtaz surely lives up to reputation of a motivated; go-getting youth. He showcases his artistry as the multi-talented composer, guitarist, lyricist and singer. As a musician he is influenced by various styles of music.

    As a lyricist his writing is influenced by both personal and social themes reflective in our daily lives. He is an avid listener of all types of music from around the World.

    A songwriter who strives for a creative balance between lyrical content, melodic structure, and rhythm.As a young child Goher practiced on a small keyboard that he received as a birthday gift. Restricted by his parents, Goher sold his bike to buy his first guitar at the age of 11. Thus began his ambitious journey to becoming one of the most sought after musicians of the county.

    Having acquired no formal training in music, Goher has strived hard through countless hours teaching himself not only how to playing the guitar, but to compose, write songs and sing. Goher’s life took an unexpected turn right after he took his intermediate exams.

    The accident had him bed-ridden for 6 long painful months. It was during this period that Goher could devote his entire time concentrating on his music. From sleepless nights trying to grasp all the notes in a single song and re-producing them on his six-string. To coming up with compositions of his own; Goher’s journey has been an exceptional one.

    He went on to winning countless singing competitions at his college and performing live at local concerts in various fast food restaurants around Lahore. The turning point in Goher’s life came with his composition of “AADAT” the single that took the country by storm. With the formation of his band ‘JAL’ and a 10 track album to his credit Goher Mumtaz’s journey has just begun.

    Watch this video to see this beautiful song 'Sajni Paas Bulao Naa' from the album Boondh - A Drop Of Jal.

    Jal Band